6 Ways to Refresh Your Workplace on a Budget

There have been conversations around why one should start their New Year’s resolution in February. In the month of January, many of us just want to catch our breath as we just finished a hectic fourth quarter and holiday season. Here at the office, we used the month of January to take a look back at the following year and prepare ourselves for the months to come in 2019. We decided not to overload ourselves with resolutions and intentions that would be hard to maintain throughout the month of January as our mind,  and spirit was not prepared to be fully committed.This February, we hit the ground running and compiled 6 ways to refresh our office workspace on a budget and wanted to share these ideas with you.

1. Clean up clutter from your worksurfaces. Store, file, and organize. A cluttered space results in having a cluttered mind. It’s important to get rid of any excess from your workspace. Only keep things that are relevant. Whether working from a desk at home, a cubicle or an open workspace, decluttering is a great way to start the year with fresh intentions and helps you be more productive at work.

 2. Recycle or donate old magazines. We are all for reserving energy for the future. Recycling is essential as waste has a huge negative impact on the natural environment. Another option outside of recycling is donating those magazines to people who love to read. Letting someone else read your magazines is also an eco-friendly way to let go of things you may not have the use for anymore. Whether you recycle or let someone reuse your magazines, either way, is a great alternative to just throwing them away.

3. Add new or change out tired accessories. Optimizing your workspace with necessary supplies and accessories helps align your productivity and focus while at work. We love adding accessories such as plants, lacquered accessory trays, stylish lamps, monitor stands, dry erase boards, words of encouragement, mesh pen organizers and storage bins. Choosing a few of these items are a for sure way to make your space vibrant and rejuvenating.

4. Change out or reframe existing artwork. If the budget allows, purchase new artwork.  Artwork boosts your creativity. It can help inspire artistic individuals, increase productivity, alter the office mood and reduce stress. Changing out artwork is a great way to set the tone for your New Year resolutions. If you can’t afford to buy new artwork, changing out the frames is an inexpensive way to create a new vibe in your workspace.

5. Add a green space by including plants to the office. Plants have many health benefits such as reduce stress, increase productivity, reduce sickness and absence rates, help clean the air, and reduce noise levels. Some plants that can improve your office environment are Jade Plants, African Violet, Peace Lily, and Chinese Evergreen.

6. Create a feature wall or inspiration wall to highlight your client’s logos or your brand. Clients, customers, and consumers are the lifeline of any business. We all know without them there is no company. Creating a feature or inspiration wall motivates your office and sets the tone to how important client engagement is. Essentially, it keeps your clients happy and retains them.


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